Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thing 6

The tool that I selected is called Smore. It's a tool that's used to make flyers easily. The tool seems like a good idea. It's a good way to save paper and seems more efficient with the ever-growing technology in our society. Plus, people are more apt to post something online then they are to go out and post flyers.

The  thing that I thought could be added to the site is I think it would be more effective if there was a place where you could select your state and then your city and see what people are advertising in your area. This would organize the site better because who wants to see what's being in advertised in South Dakota when you live in Tennessee?

I think this could be used in a school setting to advertise for school bake sales, school fundraisers and events going on in the school. And if they would divide it up into states and cities then people could easily find their school and see what's going on.

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