Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thing 7

Byron and Lacy, a photo by lacymay31992 on Flickr.

Byron and Lacy by lacymay31992This was my first experience with Flickr. I'd heard of it, but never used it. It was an okay experience overall. It wasn't that hard to figure out and reminded me a lot of Photobucket and Picasa. Though the thing I like on Photobucket and Picasa that I didn't see on Flickr was an editor so you can edit your photos in unique ways before you post them. I think if I spent more time with it I'd like it more but on a scrunched time frame I didn't have a lot of time to "play" with it. 

I uploaded some personal photos, photos of my little brother and I and photos of my boyfriend and I, but I think that Flickr has potential to be used for more. I'm not exactly sure how I could incorporate it into the classroom, but I'm sure I could eventually think of some ways to use it in a more professional environment.

I don't mind having my pictures public. If I minded then I wouldn't have posted them. These photos were already on Facebook and that's public. I think that if people don't want others to see their pictures then they shouldn't post them online, but most people want others to see their photos. Photos are memories and almost everyone wants others to see a glimpse into their life and what better way than through pictures? 

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